Thursday, December 15, 2011

"i'm talking to my proteins.""it's thursday."

This experiment, where a world famous violinist stands in a DC subway and plays to observe the reactions of people passing, is really interesting. i'd read of it months ago and then came across it again in this article, regarding how thing must be properly framed for people to pay attention to them. Sort of like how without the appropriate settings, those mashed potatoes were only okay and that supermodel's a little trampy, actually, with her shirt cut that low.

i suppose this contrasts with the flash mobbing of the last post, as the lack of framing is what makes the piece.

This clip on urban skiiing has been bouncing around the intarwebs for the past week and is really worth watching. For one thing, the shots are GORGEOUS - i' like to know what equipment they used or how they got some of the shots so incredibly clean. Plus, the idea is phenomenal. The trailers for the movie from which it's derived pretty, too, but very much trailers. Also, it turns out that i really like LCD Soundsystem. i feel bad when i come across bands after they've been around forever (to the point of having disbanded; concerts are obviously out) but the music is still fantastic. (Kar, his voice reminds me a tiny bit of Blue October's Justin.)

Which brings us around to dancing. i got to swing dance tonight, with Chris M and Katherine RM. YAY!!! East coast swing, okay, and lots of fun. Anyone know how to lindy hop? i will learn one day. Ohmygoodnessyes.

1 comment:

  1. The LCD Soundsystem you sent was pretty good. Unexpected.

    I have some friends who lindy hop, both here on the East Coast. I should see if they ever make it past Chicago, which seems to be a destination. I have another friend in Indy who dances, though I believe he's more the ballroom type.
