Monday, December 5, 2011

"i just flew in from a biology lab"

Competing with the Black Keys channel that recently comprised my mp3 player playlist is a song by the venerable Rolling Stones.

Also, looking up the holiday tune Here Comes Santa Claus to reference in an email netted this flashy piece of work. Awesome, and it also left a ton of speculation on what the neighborhood reaction must have been?

Linked from LZ today, 10 Things 90s Kids Will Have To Explain... Lisa Frank, holy cow. 4th/5th grade female status cachet was totally Lisa Frank-related. My mother was not a fan and encountering this as an adult, i'm more sympathetic to her than my 4th grade-self. Furthermore, Fern Gully's Batty Rap.  Yes. YES. How did this make it into a kid's movie?


  1. 90s kids link reminded me of this:

  2. Furthermore:

  3. I cannot believe the rap. I LOVED that movie and would sing along, but clearly I had NO IDEA. As to the Beanies, I couldn't understand why people sold them. The ones I had were like pets and I could fathom parting with them, for dirty money.
