Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Apparently, there's a marmite shortage happening in New Zealand due to earthquake damage to a factory, and some NZ Olympians are being honored by a supermarket chain with some of the remaining quantities. That's kinda fitting; i've certainly been talked into running miles for coffee. i wonder what America would give out to it's athletes if a similar situation occurred? Oreos?

As the topic of amazing former Olympians has been broached, how about Emil Zapotek? The man was a tremendous runner, and quite a guy, based on all descriptions, "As Peters had discovered, Zatopek was an excellent conversationalist. One British athlete complained that he "never shut up". He spoke six languages, and made more friends actually during races than most athletes did when socialising."

This article regarding the State Street candy shop Campus Candy is amusing if only for the description of candy as, "The variety of sweets represents the broad spectrum of formats modern science has devised for the sugar molecule, from gummies to sours to chocolate-dipped whatever-you-can-think-of. There are chocolate rocks suitable for a Willy Wonka landscape. There is salty licorice for sophisticates. There are Pixy Stix for those sophisticates to hork down when nobody’s looking. There is an entire Linnean taxonomy of gummy animals, from invertebrates on up. There are even Necco wafers for masochists."

Finally, a music video that's been floating around FB / going viral for a while, featuring the PBS painter Bob Ross. Apparently, Mr. Rogers has a similar music video as well.

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