Monday, July 30, 2012

carp, amateurs, and black holes.

Random stuff on my desktop today...

Sandwich Monday's Asian Carp Sandwich review. Backstory being that Asian carp are an invasive species in Illinois, and the DNR decided to serve sandwiches made of them at the recent Taste of Chicago to help change public perception. It made me laugh, i'm sorry; i think it's kind of inventive.

A friend posted a Smithsonian article today regarding Jim Thorpe, an American Olympian in 1912. Dude's records are stunning (he was even accomplished in ballroom dancing!), but unfortunately he had been paid for playing minor league baseball within 2 years of the Olympics, so the Olympic Committee stripped him of his metals due to his priorly unknown non-amateur status ("In 1913, strict rules regarding amateurism were in effect for athletes participating in the Olympics. Athletes who received money prizes for competitions, were sports teachers or had competed previously against professionals, were not considered amateurs and were barred from competition" from wikipedia). Complicated. Anyway, best line? "I played with the heart of an amateur—for the pure hell of it."

Amateurism is an interesting concept; i had no idea that before 1970s, all Olympic athletes were required to be amateurs.

Word of the day? Paraphernalia.

Thing #3, random Black holes. Not to worry, though, "Quantum theory says black holes are two-way streets: all processes are reversible in time, so whatever falls in has to be able to get back out in some form or other." 

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