Friday, January 6, 2012

Tripped over this last night, where people re-make art and take a picture. There's a surprising amount of Frida Kahlo portrayed, which is interesting, but i guess hers is easy to do (as it's usually a self-portrait, with little else necessary), and incredibly recognizable. Others (the Girl With The Pearl Earring, for instance) spawned both male and female participants. i also like the ones where they update a Renassaince picture with modern elements (for instance, "Girl reading a letter by an open window", one of the first ones on the third page). i'm half-tempted to submit the Mt. Rushmore imitation that my kind classmates humored me for. Anyway, is anyone up for re-making any art with me? Pretty please? You pick the art, i'll either figure out a way to make it happen or just take the picture or some combination thereof? We don't have to submit it or anything, though tossing it up on the facebook is a possibility (similar to last year's Midsummer celebration). (As mentioned to you, Holly; thank you for putting up with my enthusiasm. Yay!!)

Other stuff: this news link from Ryan. What's really the question here (for me) is how the man introduces himself. Does he deadpan say his name? Does he scat-speak it? What does his grandmother say? Wow.

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