Saturday, August 3, 2013

german words, methods of consuming canned beverages, ties of all stripes

A comparison of various languages as assayed on an individual word basis. Apparently, the German for ambulance is 'krankenwagen', from the root word 'kranksein', or 'illness'. i initially heard it as kraken, which was tons confusing (Part two and part three; granted that all of the accents are exaggerated, it's still hilarious.)

As i told Jack earlier today, i'm taking this oldie-but-goodie as my personal anthem for the month of August. It's surprisingly easy to learn on a ukulele, being only three chords.

Yesterday at a baby shower featuring burritos (a baby burrito shower? ostensibly for working on swaddling skills), various methods of drinking a beverage were discussed. It started out when someone asked what 'beasting' means, which lead to a jaunt into urban dictionary (either shotgunning a Milwaukee Best brand beer, commonly called a 'Beast', or  to "to become real good at something i.e. video games, the guitar, football game /to become ferocious and belligerent and to engage in actions of violence or disrespect. ), which then lead to a discussion of icing (where someone formally surprises someone with a smirnof, which that person then is duty bound to consume. Beer wolfing (NOT the urban dictionary version) is a thing in my cohort, perpetuated by Rob and Bryan, whereby someone uses their canine teeth to puncture the side of full, unopened beer can, subsequently gulping whatever comes out and howling at the end in a wolf-like fashion. This is usually done after dark (probably to hide the fact that you've spilled a lot of beer down your front). This afternoon, an article appeared on my fb feed (hella synchronicity, batman) describing how to 'sharkfin' your beer; apparently, puncturing the can with the tab, for either pouring into a glass or shotgunning it. And thus my education continues?

i read a fantastic article regarding parenting entitled 'I Do Not Want My Daughter To Be Nice' today. It comes with strong recommendations; i like this mom's style.

While perusing that woman's blog, i saw this protocol for craftily sewing a necktie to a shirt in a charming-for-youth fashion. My brain immediately went 'I WANT', which is a poor idea, as i've forsworn wearing little boys' clothing henceforth in a bid to be a somewhat respectable adult. (Honestly, though, you never have to worry about modesty issues when you wear mens' clothing, and one of the benefits of being built like a young teenage male is that boys' clothing fits). Anyhow, it brought to mind upcycled necktie necklaces that i saw on a fashion school website sometime last year, earmarked in my brain, and promptly forgot to actually bookmark on my comp. After googling for about 20 minutes, the closest i found were these pieces by an independent company called Lilian Asterfield. Gorgeous. i also pulled up a tutorial for making a very simple version with a single tie, which reads like you'd expect. So i ask you, dear-friends-who-happen-to-be-readers, who wants one of the more simple ones if i make them for Christmas? Too preppy?

i spent a good 15 minutes last night dancing around my apartment in my boxers last night to this bit of Jimmy Gold on repeat, as embarrassing as that might be. Also, nice that it's a little cleaner than the original.

1 comment:

  1. Love the necktie idea! And also love the imagery you provide.

    Beer wolfing? Really!?
