Friday, July 4, 2014

boxer crabs, history tumblr, Tim Howard is a bad@ss, temporary tattoos

While this is not really safe for work due to severe language, i found this tumblr trail about boxer crabs hilarious (and i'm trying REALLY hard not to learn the words to the little ditty, just in case i accidentally start singing it in lab at some point, but it's super catchy. Also, 'that illustrates the diversity of that word').

While it is is currently the 4th of July, everyday is the Independence Day at this awesome tumblr, rally 'round the history. The woman in charge goes by the handle of Lady History, and does highly amusing things like caption portraits of George Washington to hilarious effect (and please note that there are 10 iterations of those by now, all stellar, also, ghost children). Also, apparently the exclamation 'Well, spangle my stars!' is a thing. i'm going to have to start working that into conversation.

So, the World Cup is ongoing, but the US team is out as of Monday. They made it out of the famed 'Group of Death' intact, but not the 16-team round. However, i know i'm not the only person who, when they see the team name USMNT, thinks for a splitsecond of the close acromyn TMNT, because i did a google search and came up with, notabe among other offerings, this page. Anyhow, yesterday's game was against Belgium, and the US goalie Tim Howard did a breathtaking job defending the goal  at a record 16 saves. The best article covering this feat and the American response/appreciation can be found here, and please check out the collection of memes at the bottom. Also, here's another collection of T.H.-related memes. Since we're on the subject of World Cup coverage, i've been enjoying the humorous analysis of the ex-pat English dudes, Men In Blazers.

Every once in a while, i get a hankering for a bod mod not-the-result-of-injuring-myself. i usually end up with temporary tattoos, and was wandering around Etsy the other day when i found these rather sophisticated offerings. (Side-foray, i was curious why etsy is so named. From the wikipedia site, " Kalin said that he named the site Etsy because he "wanted a nonsense word because I wanted to build the brand from scratch. I was watching Fellini's 8 ½ and writing down what I was hearing. In Italian, you say 'etsi' a lot. It means 'oh, yes.'(actually it's "eh, si" And in Latin, it means 'and if.'" ")

This web comic concerning womens' roles in action films was linked to me this afternoon, and i feel like it's entirely too accurate. Went with Jack and Leslie last night to see Transformers 4, where it applied to a main female character, as well as in Godzilla, which we saw a week or two ago. It's pretty sad.

This ridiculous quiz result simply confirmed what we all knew. And while i was sad to read this article about Chikungunya edging it's way toward the US, the virologist part of me is super intrigued.

1 comment:

  1. Did you really score 100% Texas?? I don't doubt it.
    I like those temporary tattoos! I will apply it to you.
