Friday, September 13, 2013

Open Letter To Bill Nye Regarding Dancing (shirtless) with The Stars

An open letter to Bill Nye, concerning a recent discussion about going shirtless on Dancing With The Stars.

Dear Mr. Nye;

Recently, USA Today published a statement saying that you are "aiming to whip (your) shirt off" in an upcoming episode of Dancing with the Stars.

Sir, with all due respect, you do not need to do this. You do not need to make a ratings grab by appearing partially clothed on television.

It is not that you are not in good physical condition, nor is this any sort of commentary on your attractiveness. You are a role model for millions of young (and not-so-young) nerds across the nation, many of us who grew up watching hours upon hours of "Bill Nye The Science Guy", have stood in ridiculously long lines and waited hours to hear you speak, and subsequently mob you for pictures. (Err..) You are beloved and so *incredibly* cool for promoting science, and standing up for what you feel your viewers need to hear. You deserve more than having to resort to removing garments to gain attention for yourself.

If you DO plan on appearing only partially clothed and cannot be dissuaded from this, you might make the choice to offer initiative/ inspire youth to get in shape and take better care of themselves, as that same article reports that you are also working with a personal trainer and perhaps making healthier nutritional choices. As a current graduate student in a biology lab, i know many career scientists who are notable athletes (runners, cyclists, triathletes, dancers, hockey players, fencers, the whole athletic spectrum); being a nerd is no longer nearly the stereotype it once was, and you yourself are also a pioneer in and example of this. However, unless you directly plan on stating that fitness is important to human health, your actions might only disappoint your fans who feel you are being a little exploited/manipulated/over-sensationalized.

Regardless, thank you again for being a role model for budding scientists world-wide. Break a leg (in the theatrical-well-wishing sense) on Dancing With The Stars this season.

All the best,

jess C

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