Wednesday, August 14, 2013

prosopagnosia, music of Pogo, various artsy art, nasal cycles, handmade temporary tattoos, human gestation chart.

Jack, i'm sure you knew this, but the term for not being able to recognize faces ('face blindness') is officially called prosopagnosia, and apparently affects up to 2.5% of humans, including Jane Goodall and perhaps Brad Pitt.

Also, props to Jack for sending this fascinating music video (of a skinny human dancing in a Darth Vader mask on a beach somewhere) by the excellent Australian DJ Pogo (official site here; previously mentioned as he did a remix or several based on Mary Poppins). This lead to my listening watching to an extensive youtube playlist dedicated to the oeuvre of Pogo; all of it is super fascinating, as this guy just takes snippets of a single movie (both the audio and visual parts) and weaves them together. The most famous of these might be one commissioned by the Pixar folks for Up or a lip-synch of the Wizard of Oz, but my favorite might be one from Monsters Inc., and the one based on the tv show/book series Dexter is... memorable, too.

Anyhow. While we're on props, thanks to Allison for linking these gorgeous pictures of ink-in-water by artist Alberto Seveso. i've tried capturing something like this in lab when mixing up protein stains, but blue's kinda the only color we use, and juggling my camera and a dye-filled weigh boat sort of hampers the process (also, lack of skill and equipment, but whatever). i'm astonished how saturated and nearly creamy those dyes look. Amazing.  Along those same lines are these photographs of dancers by artist Nir Arieli (semi-NSFW).

Nasal cycles are a thing whereby your body subconsciously uses one nostril while the other's clogged. This is linked to ultradian cycles, which are those cycles your body takes over a 24-hour period (circulation, etc).

Public service announcement:  August is National Velociraptor Awareness Month. Being prepared is half the battle?

i somehow came across this compendium of nature tattoos on buzzfeed earlier this week. It turns out, some of them are actually temporary tattoos. i hadn't previously considered purchasing temporary tattoos from Etsy, but there are several sites that had amazing selection, as well as the online store Tattly, whom i've stumbled across before. Roommate, there are temp. tattoos as eye make-up, wow/yikes.

i'm just going to set this link regarding photoshop here for ease of access. Also for ease of access, as 40% of my friends are expecting, a somewhat-hokey-but-still-informative chart on human gestation and fetus development.


  1. Those Seveso images are eerily human tissue-like.

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