Thursday, June 27, 2013

trailers, Archimedes, music etc, pour-overs and comb-overs, anesthesial mechanisms, glacial ice.

Lots of stuff.

First, i fully enjoyed this article comparing the ridiculousness of two trailers (one for the upcoming movie Wolf Of Wall Street, the other for JayZ's newest album).

Archimedes was the Greek mathematician and engineering dude who, upon realizing you can compare the volume of two objects by submerging them in water, supposedly raced naked through the streets of the Greek city Syracuse yelling "Eureka". He was also an inventor of astonishingly wide breadth. A recent NYTimes article highlights some of his inventions, and opens with the highly entertaining statement, "For the last time: Archimedes did not invent a death ray. ".

i saw World War Z this weekend with a few friends. (Side tangent, related Jimmy gold clip) It was decent; a mostly predictable but still fun summer movie. Before the movie, we all went out for food, and conversation turned to music, somehow, including Kimbra. In explaining who she is, i referenced her being featured in Gotye's song Somebody That I Used To Know, which lead me to inquiring if i say his name right. (Short answer, we don't know.) Long form, i mentioned that it's Dutch/Flemish for the Western name Walter (and from wikipedia, " The name "Gotye" is a pronunciation respelling of "Gauthier", the French equivalent of the Flemish given name "Wouter". "). Regardless, names and their variety are fascinating. Also brought up in conversation was Johnny Cash, and the always cited song Ring Of Fire. It was (okay, debatably) actually written by a guy named Merle Kilgore and Johnny's wife June Carter Cash, who was from an incredibly well-regarded country music family. Yes, Johnny married well.

A brief note regarding the optimal preparation of coffee using a pour-over device (not to be confused with comb-overs) is outlined in this Wall Street Journal piece. (Side tangent, from that wikipedia article featuring comb-overs ,"In Japan, men with comb overs are called "bar code men" (バーコード人), referring to the similarity between the striations caused by the comb and the UPC on products." i learn something new and fascinating every day.)

This article covers the myriad ways that the White House Press Secretary Jay Carney tells the press that he is not answering whatever question might come in handy for anyone who has to give seminar in the near future.

While slightly rabble-rousing, this is a worth-while read titled "5 reasons to be a feminist man".

My dear friend and cycling partner Asuka had her wisdom teeth out this Wednesday. i had the pleasure of driving her back from the appointment, before most of the anesthetics had worn off, and the main thing she wanted to know, having never been medically made unconscious before, was how that all worked. (Scientists. You can take 'em out of the lab and medically drug 'em up, and they still want the answers.)  Anesthesia usually works by inhibiting the nerve transmissions in the central nervous system. Wikipedia states that most of the exact mechanisms haven't been worked out, but seem to either (not ether, ah ha) bind to nerve receptors to prevent the proper molecules from binding or prevent that receptor's action, or bind to provoke a direct response/mimic natural molecule binding. She also wanted to discuss stem cell differentiation, but that's her field of expertise.

Can we just re-iterate that when i'm 51, i hope my legs look even half as good as Anna Dello Russo's?

Finally, a piece on Alaskan glacial ice, its procurement and its popularity in beverages.

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