Tuesday, April 9, 2013

she-wolves, ginger beer, belly buttons, class assimilation, etc.

"Please call me She-wolf, and don't make me wear a pantsuit." - quote-of-the-day from my lovely labmmate Holly, who has been nominated for a teaching award.  They wanted to know her preferred title for the certificate. She has been playing a Game of Thrones board game under the honorable title 'She-wolf' (appropriate, because she's pretty awesome, from the North, and everyone knows the Starks are the best).

Anyway. My cohort recently played poker for Tyler's birthday. Several things came from this:
Ginger beer. It's like ginger ale, only super kick-your-sinuses-in-the-teeth spicy and usually expensive, but Bryan discovered that the Goya variety is inexpensive and ridiculously spicy. Like, don't inhale over the glass directly after pouring spicy. Woo! i'd also prefer to not know the ingredient which is responsible for the kick.

i directly added rum to this somewhere around the start of the game, and strongly recommend resulting beverage.

We had a discussion regarding belly buttons, and the origins of innies v/s outies and whether there's a genetic component. Short answer, no. They're the result of a surgical scar due to the cutting of the umbilical cord, and whatever skin remains (or is due to an umbilical hernia). As reported, 90% of people have innies, and some folks lack them completely due to subsequent surgeries (for instance, the model Karolina Kurkova). Additionally, as most of you have recently read, there happens to be a lot of person-specific bacteria in navels (most folks don't go around trading belly button bacteria). Also, science has proven that T-shaped ones are the most attractive or whatever. Another thing that was kicked up while researching this is the practice of lotus birth, which is when people just let the umbilical cord fall off naturally (sometime around days 15-20 post birth?!).

Fashion blogger Garance Dore recently posted a (semi-nsfw) note regarding how human females refer to their sex-specific anatomy. It's an interesting concept, and the responses that follow are even more so. (Nods to Jack and 'lady bits'.) This is even more interesting/timely in light of the (rather nsfw) Awkwafina song that Bryan brought up at poker.

(Musical) Assimilation of my class is nearly complete. It happened like this; i frequently trade music back and forth with Jack. For instance, i was doing my taxes on Friday, listening to the Lone Bellow, and she signed online. i flooded her with music links (oh, man, i had this song on repeat for over an hour, and also discovered that The Civil Wars have a tremendous cover of MJ's Billie Jean, though sadly lacking the beloved moonwalk), and inquired about her opinion regarding the mandolin. She responded that she hadn't considered it much, so i linked this. Jack approved and posted it as her gchat status. Holly clicked it, and apparently it took her a minute to piece out that she had indeed clicked on something Jack linked and not me. A ha! i'm greatly pleased.

Also, i offer up this striking collection of pictures taken at a rockabilly Vintage car show in Vegas by the always incredible Scott Schuman. Gosh.

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