Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kid A, etc

Starting at the beginning, which is actually the middle. So, Punch Brothers have a new album out, Who's Feeling Young Now. It is an instant favorite - i really, REALLY like all of the songs. The thing's airtight, and i've had it on repeat for about 3 days straight. One of the tacks i like most is their Kid A (up until 6:27), a cover of a Radiohead song. It's pretty abstract, as mentioned by Chris Thile in a recent interview.  To me, it's got a sort of midsummer night's dream feel about it.

And, despite the fact that i don't much care for Radiohead, at least, i don't think i do, i really like their version of the song, too.

Also, i'd mentioned it to Holly, but the Punch Brother's Patchwork Girlfriend puts me in mind of a crazy Frankenstein creation of the perfect girl. Jack was going off the other night about chimeric humans (where embryos can combine and a single person results). Humans that result usually only have strange blood types. A patchwork girlfriend as described in the song seems more to me the result of crazy genetic mosaics akin to those of a calico cat, if not the outright Frankenstein situation. okay, i've had too much to think again.

Another recent topic of conversation was androgyny, particularly as it relates to models. There's been a large stir on various fashion sites lately about some dude named Andrej. Along these same lines is a report of gender-less grooming/fashion from the NY Times. Hmm.

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