And then there's planking. i don't know that i understand the concept, and apparently
that's the case with the majority of the population. i have, however, been asked to plank on a number of occasions, the most recent being for my graduate program's retreat scavenger hunt, with the accompanying questions: 'Arms straight? Am i supposed to look up? Down? What the heck?' Followed by, and i'm sure this is the case in 80% of planking incidences, "Hurry up and take the picture already. Did you get it?!"

Owling, the act of perching and staring at things? i can get behind owling - i can typically be found perching and staring at things anyway. Batmanning (hanging upside down), that one actually has some pop-cultural and entertainment purpose.
Anyway. From the canoe trip... i still don't understand.
I think this is an epic photo. Well done. Even if the question marks linger.