Bryan: i must say, i was expecting clawhammer dulcimers, i can't decide if i'm disapointed or not because moonshine stills are pretty awesome
me: err, as awesome as i think it is that you expected dulcimers (because that's pretty cool), why did you immediately expect them?
Bryan: clawhammer?
you don't hear that term very often
at least i don't
and for some reason i associate it with dulcimers
me: i think carpentry, but apparently i shouldn't
Bryan: carpentry makes the most sense
me: which renders it the most boring association
And can i just express immense amounts of surprise that apparently claw hammers (the carpentry tool) have existed in recognizable form since at least the 1500s?
A week or two ago, while we were all riding around in my truck, the lovely Leslie had a visceral (positive) reaction to the Brad Paisley song She's Everything. This has long been a song i've associated with my parents, as a sentimental man is recounting his relationship and various attributes with a lighthearted female; it suits my parents completely in the sweetest way possible. However, it is necessary to state that in my subjective opinion, Mr. Paisley is one of the best lyricists in modern Country music - mostly due to wit and wry. Jack, dear, he's also responsible for Little Moments, I'm Gonna Miss Her (about fishing), and Mud on the Tires. A lot of his recent stuff has been semi-reflective (see the hullabaloo over the song co-written with LL Cool J called Accidental Racist).
i took about 4 years of tap dance as a child, and two semesters-worth in undergrad. When it's late enough in lab, i still tend to tap around, sort of a mobile percussion, to the radio or as punctuation to the songs in my head. Additionally, i have been known to moonwalk (both sober and not, though the not is more frequent in public, and learned by instruction via youtube. While we're on the subject of youtube and moonwalking, a fantastic video of a kid covering MJ's dance moves on Billie Jean (@1:11) at a talent show has deservedly gone viral ). So, i was very excited to come across this article/clip the other day called 'Origins of Moonwalk' linking early predecessors of the moonwalk to various (tap) greats.
Two items to be filed under 'Things that might only happen in New Orleans and along the gulf coast:
>True-to-life poses of folks at their funerals as seen in NOLA (which kinda reminds me of an older country song titled "Prop Me Up Beside The Jukebox").
>A man is mugged for his fried chicken and beer, by a gang of men on bicycles. What is this world coming to?
me: also, cherry sours are another version of crack
i've eaten half a bag
Kelly AT: a drink?
oh. no
me: no, the little sour jelly-bean things
Kelly AT: sounds tasty
me: horrible for a person
there's a hint of pledge in there
the furniture polish
there's something wrong with me, that i find these things addictive
Kelly AT: hahaha, well, those weren't the first indication